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Authors: Le Thi Thanh Hieu - Nguyen Thi Kim Thi
197    0
:     : 269-275
Publishing year: 10/2022
skills training study political theory courses for university students in the current period.Improve self-learning skill in civic education teaching methods for students faculty of political education studies of Vinh universityBuilding the capacity-oriented assignments in civic education courses at the high schoolsFostering the qualities to help students achieve high results in the process of self - studyFrom the style of thinking of President Ho Chi Minh to the improvement of theoretical thinking skills for the lecturer of political theory in the current period.Protecting Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in current political theory teachingFulfilling the will of President Ho Chi Minh in fostering the generation of young people to build new human resources to meet social requirements.Iproving the quality of teaching and rerearching social sciences and humannities in the global intergration trendCOMPARISON BETWEEN CAPITALIST LAW-GOVERNED STATE AND SOCIALIST LAW-GOVERNED STATE IN VIETNAMSự tham gia của người dân vào quá trình thực thi chính sách xây dựng nông thôn mới tại Nghệ AnSome solutions to improve students' political bravery through the current lectures of Ho Chi Minh Thought todayNew points in the Document of the 13th National Party Congress that need to be thoroughly understood and applied to the research and teaching of Ho Chi Minh's ideologyBUILDING CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT EXERCISES IN ECONOMIC AND LEGAL EDUCATION TO MEET SOCIAL REQUIREMENTSREFLECTION FROM THE EDUCATIONAL POINT OF VIEW OF C.MARX: THE EDUCATOR HIMSELF NEEDS TO BE EDUCATEDOVERVIEW STUDY ON THE EDUCATION OF TEACHING PROFESSION’S ETHICAL IN VIET NAM FROM 1954 TO PRESENTTeacher ethics education for pedagogical studentsTEACHER NGUYEN TAT THANH - HO CHI MINH A BRILLIANT EXAMPLE OF ETHICS FOR GENERATIONS OF TEACHERS TO LEARN AND FOLLOWBuilding the Law-Governed Socialist State of Vietnam - Current Situation and Recommendations