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Authors: Dinh Trung Thanh, Duong Van Dan , Nguyen Thi My Huong , Vu Thi Phuong Le , Phan Van Tuan , Nguyen Thoai Linh , Tran Mai Uoc , Ton Nu Hai Yen
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International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)
: 1/2022     : 4858-4865
Publishing year: 1/2022
Ho Chi Minh (1890 – 1969) is a national liberation hero, a humanist of Vietnam. With the world, Ho Chi Minh is the epitome of Vietnam, and mentioning Vietnam is also referring to Ho Chi Minh and vice versa. Ho Chi Minh is a historical figure loved all over the world not only for his talent but also for hismoral qualities, and the good values of the Vietnamese culture over thousands of years. Ho Chi Minh’s Thought is a system, includes opinions about the basic issues of the Vietnam revolution, due to the purpose of the class, social and people liberation. Ho Chi Minh’s Thought about people is one of the important content in Ho Chi Minh's thought system. Through practical activities and thinking, Ho Chi Minh has solved the basic issues of national in his age. Today, that ideology is still valued, it is the basis for Vietnam's state to implement ethnic policy. The article analysis and clarify the content of Ho Chi Minh's thought about people with Vietnam's ethnic policy today. The result shows that the ideology of Ho Chi Minh is a system with very diverse and rich content, including basic contents related to independence, freedom, inviolability of all peoples; combination of nation and class, independence and socialism, patriotism and internationalism, people’s unity and the liberation in Vietnam. From issues implementing Vietnam's ethnic policy, the article analyzed three solutions to promote the efficiency of implementing Vietnam's ethnic policy today.
Ideology, Ho Chi Minh's thought, ethnic, ethnic policy, Vietnam.