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Assessment of physico-chemical parameters of primaeval forest soil in Thanh Chuong District of Nghe An Province, Vietnam (Đánh giá các chỉ tiêu hóa lý đất rừng nguyên sinh huyện Thanh Chương, tỉnh Nghệ An, Việt Nam)
Tác giả: Đinh Thị Kim Hảo, Kazuto Shima
320    2
Nghiên cứu về cây trồng
Quyển: 2/23     Trang: 339-346
Minh chứng: 1454-12.pdf
Năm xuất bản: 4/2022
Tóm tắt
The physicochemical features of soil (PFOS) play an important role in the growth process of flora and vegetative diversity of the primaeval forests. The PFS in the primaeval forest belonging to Thanh Chuong District in Nghe An Province, Vietnam was investigated during 2016-2019 to assess the fertility and productivity status of the soils. To deploy this work, ninety-six soil samples at eight random locations from twenty-four sampling plots represented the upper, middle, and lower of the study area were analyzed for soil texture (ST), bulk density (BD), pH, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and exchangeable cations (ECs) (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+). Texturally, the soils were clay loam to sandy clay with average percentages of sands around 41%, silts 19%, and clay 40% while the bulk density of the soils was 0.83-1.41%. The acidic to slightly acidic soil pH (4.01-4.82) and high TN (0.95 -2.66 g/kg) and TP varies from 0.06 and 0.18 g/kg. Correlation analysis of the physicochemical parameters was conducted using the Pearson correlation test in R programming. Analysis showed that the variation in the texture of silt content among the soil depth was minimal.
Từ khóa
Bulk density Physico-chemical Porosity Primeval forest Soil texture.
Cùng tác giả
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