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Selecting exercises to improve the speed strength of basketball for students of the Physical Education Department of Hong Duc University
Authors: Dan Van Pham, Viet Ngọc Nguyen and Hung Manh Nguyen
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health 2021
: 8(2): 01-03     : 1-3
Publishing year: 2021/2021
Abstract Basketball is an important module (credit) in Physical Education (P.E) of the current training program at pedagogical universities and colleges, especially in Speed Strength Basketball. Among the top factors, it determines whether to win or lose in each specific situation. However, to develop the power to a reasonable speed is a matter that needs to be considered very carefully. Therefore, choosing appropriate exercises to develop speed strength for students of the Faculty of Physical Education of Hong Duc University is very necessary, thereby contributing to improving the quality of training.
Keywords: Credits, basketball, Skill, high speed power