Occupational Education for Secondary School Students in the North Central Region in Vietnam
Authors: Dang Van Hai , Nguyen Thi Huong, Pham Van Son, Ho Thi Thuy Le, Le Thuc Anh
American Journal of Educational Research
: 9 :
Publishing year: 9/2021
The article has analyzed the importance and identified appropriate contents, methods and forms of
occupational education for students at secondary schools. From there, survey the current situation of occupational
educLation for students in middle schools in the North Central region of Vietnam and draw out solutions such as
recommendations to improve the quality of vocational education for junior high school students in the North Central
region, Vietnam such as: Do well in communication education to raise awareness for administrators, teachers,
parents, students and the community about vocational education for students; Diversify the contents, methods and
forms of occupational education for students; Strengthening facilities and equipment for occupational education
activities; Improve the efficiency of consulting and career orientation activities in the locality; Supplement and
complete the policy on occupational education for secondary school students; Increasing investment of resources for
occupational education activities; Diversify types of vocational training to promote vocational education, and stream
students after secondary school