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The equal rights of the accused persons of the court and shall be judged by the independent court, no bias, public disclosure of law and practice in Vietnam
Authors: Nguyen Van Dung, Dinh Ngoc Thang
315    0
International Journal of Law/Gupta/Australia
: Tập 7/chuyên đề 3     : 102-106
Publishing year: 5/2021
Human rights are one of the fundamental rights recognized by law in most countries around the world. In which, the equal right of accused before the Court and tried by an independent, impartial and open Court is one of the basic human rights recognized in the law in most countries. Countries in the world as well as expressed in international documents. The equal right of accused persons before the Court and to a trial by an independent, impartial and open Court is guaranteed by the obligations of the agency or person conducting the proceedings. Therefore, ensuring a trial by an independent, objective and legally established court is to ensure a fair trial for the accused.
Right to equal trial; accused; independent, objective and unbiased trial court