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Students’ Attitude toward Online Teaching and Learning the English Academic Grammar Course via
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Lam Giang
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English Language Education in EFL contexts
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Năm xuất bản: 10/2020
Tóm tắt
The English Academic Grammar course has been said to provide EFL students with academic grammatical knowledge of the English language which could help facilitate the use of the language. However, learning it in traditional place-based classroom has been challenging for the English majored sophomores. It is even more difficult during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic when all the activities of teaching and learning were carried out via online classrooms on the platform of The study aimed to examine the 267 participants’ attitude toward the online teaching and learning of the subject in classrooms via, focusing on the activities of group work and mind map. The data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, classroom observations and online activities on a learning management system. The findings revealed that online teaching and learning this subject had brought both benefits and drawbacks. Some suggestions were also made in order to create more effective teaching and learning the English Academic Grammar Course in the future.
Từ khóa
Key word: academic grammar, teaching grammar, online teaching, group work, mind map