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Building a process of practising the skill to teach mathematical modelling for students of primary education
Authors: Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhung, Nguyen Chien Thang
403    7
Vinh University Journal of Science
: 2B/50     : 69-81
Publishing year: 8/2021
Mathematical modelling is one of the five core components of primary school students' mathematical competence identified in the Vietnamese General Education Curriculum in Mathematics. This requires that in training at the university level, students of Primary Education need to be practised the skill to teach mathematical modelling for primary school students. It is necessary to find a process to practice that skill. In this paper, we first learn about modelling and rationale for teaching mathematical modelling in primary schools, search and analyze types of mathematics exercises in primary mathematics curriculum and textbooks that can be exploited to organize teaching mathematical modeling for primary school students. We thereby propose a 3-step process of practising the skill to teach mathematical modelling for students of Primary Education, including: Organize for students to analyze primary mathematics curriculum, look for opportunities to develop mathematical modelling competencies for primary students; Equip the mathematical modeling process in teaching mathematics in primary schools for students; Organize for students to design mathematical modeling activities according to the process stages in step 2. With such a process, students will understand the mathematical modelling process, design mathematical modelling activities and install them into the process of teaching mathematics in primary schools.
Mathematical modelling, primary students, primary mathematics curriculum, teach mathematical modelling, students of Primary Education.
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