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Reproductive Health Education for Vietnamese High School Students in the Current Context
Authors: Nguyen Thi Huong1, Nguyen Thi Hong Hoa2, Nguyen Thi Quynh Anh3
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American Journal of Educational Research
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Publishing year: 9/2021
The article has analyzed the importance of productive health education and its goals, contents, methods and forms of this education for students of high schools. The authors have employed a survey to investigate the current situation of productive health education for high school students in the Norther Central of Vietnam. Data collected from the research have been analyzed statistically, thus are highly reliable, which creates a solid foundation for these following suggestions and recommendations: (1) increase the awareness of teachers, students and relevant stakeholders about the significance of productive health education for students at high school; (2) Renovating the content, methods, and forms of productive health education to meet the requirements in terms of psychology and personalities of high school students and specific conditions of each school; (3) Fostering the competence of teachers at high schools, especially the capacity of teaching productive health education; (4) Increasing investment into facilities and productive health education programs at high schools) to improve the effectiveness of reproductive health education for high school students in today's context.
reproductive health, reproductive health education, students, high school