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Regularization of backward time-fractional parabolic equations by Sobolev-type equations
Authors: Dinh Nho Hào, Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen Van Thang, Nguyen Trung Thanh
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Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
: 28(5)     : 659-676
Publishing year: 10/2020
The problem of determining the initial condition from noisy fnal observations in time-fractional parabolic equations is considered. This problem is well known to be ill-posed, and it is regularized by backward Sobolev-type equations. Error estimates of Hölder type are obtained with a priori and a posteriori regularization parameter choice rules. The proposed regularization method results in a stable noniterative numerical scheme. The theoretical error estimates are confrmed by numerical tests for one- and two-dimensional equations
Backward time-fractional parabolic equations, Sobolev-type equations, numerical implementation
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