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Post-buckling Response of Functionally Graded Porous Plates Rested on Elastic Substrate via First-Order Shear Deformation Theory
Authors: Le Thanh Hai, Nguyen Van Long, Tran Minh Tu, Chu Thanh Binh
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Modern Mechanics and Applications
:     : 18
Publishing year: 10/2021
This paper presents the post-buckling analysis of functionally graded porous (FGP) plates rested on the elastic substrate subjected to in-plane compressive mechanical loads. Based on the first-order shear deformation theory taking into account Von Karman nonlinearity, the governing equations are derived. The elastic modulus of FGP material is assumed to vary across the plate thickness following three various distribution patterns including uniform, symmetric, and asymmetric. Galerkin’s approach and stress function is utilized to obtain the loaddeflection relationfor analyzing the post-buckling behavior ofFGP plates.Thetheoretical formulation is verified by comparing the present results with those available in publications and found good agreement. Through the numerical results, the effect of porosity distribution pattern, porosity coefficient, geometrical configurations, elastic foundations, as well as mechanical loads on the post-buckling behavior of the FGP plate is indicated
Post-buckling · Porous plates · Analytical approach · First-order shear deformation theory · Stress function
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