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Philosophical conceptions of humans and life through voice contains action comments in character voice of Ma Van Khang novice
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Journal of language and Liff
: 11A (318) 2021     : 103 - 108
Publishing year: 11/2021
From the features of conversational language in artworks, the article points out the semantics of philosophical conceptions of people and life through dialogues containing actions and comments in the character dialogues of Ma Van Khang's novels. It is a human philosophy full of concern about people, about the good and noble life in the complex and multi-dimensional nature of the present life. That is the philosophy of life: short, complicated, not simple. Thereby, writer Ma Van Khang shows the movement of spirituality, helping people have more faith in life and the future. People with a good view become more beautiful and noble.
Conceptual philosophy; people; life; dialogues; speech