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Đặc điểm sinh học và khả năng ăn mồi của bọ xít Sycanus falleni Stal (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) được nuôi bằng 4 vật mồi khác nhau trong điều kiện phòng thí nghiệm
Tác giả: Trương Xuân Lam, Phạm Huy Phong, Thái Thị Ngọc Lam
340    0
Tạp chí côn trùng Châu Á -Thái bình Dương
Quyển: 23 (2020)     Trang: 1188–1193
Minh chứng: 1346-2020.pdf
Năm xuất bản: 10/2020
Tóm tắt
The reduviid Sycanus falleni Stal (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) is an important predatory insect in biological control pests in vegetable, soybean, corn and rice plants. It is omnivorous species and has a wide range of prey. The influence of fed on four different preys as Pieris rapae (Linnaeus), Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), Plutela xylostella (Linnaeus) and Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) on biological parameters, ability to eat prey and body weight of the nymph and adult of S. falleni were evaluated in laboratory conditions (26 ± 2 °C, 75 ± 5% RH and light:dark 14:10 h) in Vietnam. The biological parameters of reduviid S. falleni reared on the laboratory were determined by observing the development stage of egg, development stage of nymph, pre-oviposition period, life cycle, longevity of adult, number of eggs laid, sex ratio. The nymph and adults of reduviid S. falleni consumption the number of P. xylostella, P. rapae, S. litura and C. cephalonica larvae were different, and an adult female consumed more than an adult male while the body weight of the I and V nymphal instars, male and female adults of reduviid S. falleni wasn't significantly different (P < 0.01).
Từ khóa
Keywords: Biological parameters Body weight Eat prey Reduviidae Sycanus falleni
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