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Proposed activities to make writing lessons appealing and effective for First-year English Major University Students.
Authors: Nguyen Thi Tương
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Publishing year: 10/2021
After many years of teaching English to the English major first-year university students, I discover that among four foundation language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), students tend to perform the poorest on writing. It is because those other skills are more often used in casual communication and bring much more interest than writing does in students' early years of learning English. Hence, they become further unmotivated to improve their writing skills. This poses as a great obstacle for English teachers to encourage their first-years students who often lack to focus more on writing. On the other hand, teachers themselves find it challenging to teach writing skills effectively due to the tediousness and the creativity of the subject, as well as the limited lesson time and large class size. This research aims to find methods that make first-year students become more engaged and competent in writing English through various extra exercises, effective correction methods, and writing games. In spite of different teaching objectives and situations, teachers can then create appropriate activities to make writing lessons more appealing and productive.
Proposed activities to make writing lessons appealing and effective for First-year English Major University Students.