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Some basic requirements when renovating extracurricular activities in teaching history in high schools today.
Authors: Pham Tien Dong
268    1
: 9     : 87
Publishing year: 9/2021
Extra-curricular activities in history have an important role in realizing the subject's objectives, especially in adding life skills and experiences to students, helping them to develop comprehensively. , forming and developing basic competencies, orienting good values for the future…. Historical extra-curricular activities have existed for a long time, besides the positive aspects, have revealed many limitations and inadequacies in the face of such strong and extensive renewal requirements as today, therefore, the renewal of History extracurricular activities are one of the urgent issues for teaching and learning history in high schools. The article emphasizes on the basic requirements when we renew our history extracurricular activities to meet the goals of the educational program set out.
Extra-curricular activities