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US - China Strategic Competition Trend in Southeast Asia under President Joe Biden
Authors: Hac Xuan Canh; Tran Khanh
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Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
: 9/2021     : 13-24
Publishing year: 9/2021
Abstract: Southeast Asia is a strategic region both in terms of geopolitics and geo-economics in the Asia-Pacific. While China considers this area a "backyard", a place that determines the success or failure of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the US considers it a key connection point of the Indian Ocean Vision. With the free and open Pacific, Southeast Asia once again becomes an "arena" of power competition between major powers, first of all between China and the US. The competition for influence in this region has been pushed up since the time of Donald Trump and continued to increase when Joe Biden became the US President. While China continues to promote money diplomacy, strengthen its economic influence and development model, and link ASEAN policy with the BRI, the US has become more concerned with security and strategic cooperation with China. East Coast countries and integrate this regional relationship with PIOP. The growing influence of these two superpowers is creating both opportunities and challenges for Southeast Asia. So how can ASEAN and its member countries live peacefully and co-exist with big countries? That is the issue.
US - China competition; Southeast Asia; Joe Biden