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Negative Refractive Index in an Inhomogeneously Broadened Four-Level Inverted-Y Atomic Medium
Authors: Nguyen Thanh Cong, Nguyen Huy Bang , Nguyen Van Phu, Vu Ngoc Sau and Le Van Doai
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IEEE Photonics Journal
: 10.1109 / JPHOT.2021.3119985     : 1-7
Publishing year: 12/2021
In this paper, we present the study on negative refractive index in an inhomogeneously broadened four-level inverted- Y atomic medium based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The expressions of the relative permittivity and the relative permeability are derived under Doppler broadening. For this four-level system, we have found two frequency bands of negative refractive index in an optical region corresponding to two EIT windows. The influences of coupling and signal laser fields as well as temperature on frequency bands of negative refractive index are investigated. Our research can be convenient for experimental implementation with real atomic media under different temperatures.
Index Terms—Negative refractive index, electromagnetically induced transparency, doppler broadening.
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