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Simple design of a wideband and wide-angle reflective linear polarization converter based on crescent-shaped metamaterial for Ku-band applications
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Optics Communications
: 486     :
Publishing year: 5/2021
We report a wideband and wide-angle Insensitive linear Cross-polarization converter based on an anisotropic metamaterial. The converter structure consists of a periodic array of a top metallic crescent-shaped resonator and a bottom metallic ground plane separated by a dielectric layer of FR-4. Both simulation and experiment methods have performed to evaluate the proposed polarization converter performance. The results show a good agreement between the simulation and experimental results. The polarization converter efficiency above 90% is obtained for a wide bandwidth of O GHz covering the entire Ku-band (12-18 GHz) at normal incidence. Furthermore, the wideband polarization conversion properties are maintained with a large incident angle up to 45° for both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes. Hence, the designed structure can be used for Ku-band applications.
Metamaterials, Ku-band, Broadband, Polarization converter