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Educating students in the sense of defending the socialist Vietnamese homeland for students of the Department of National Defense Education _ Vinh University
Authors: Nguyen Ngoc Dungz
368    7
: Kì 2-11/2020     : 79-80
Publishing year: 11/2020
Marxism-Leninism affirmed that defending the Socialist Fatherland is a popular rule of the socialist revolution, building socialism must go hand in hand with the defense of the Socialist Fatherland. For the Vietnamese revolution, our Party has determined that, along with the successful construction of socialism, firmly defending the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland are the two strategic tasks throughout the revolution. In the context of complicated and unpredictable world situation, imperialism and anti-revolutionary forces, hostile forces after the collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe continue to use The strategy of "Peaceful Evolution" has fiercely attacked countries with progressive political regimes, especially the remaining socialist countries, including our country, ethnic extremes, religion, and emergence. the rise of international terrorism and the use of the war on terror to encroach on national independence and sovereignty have been complicated. In addition, the issue of maritime and island sovereignty disputes between countries in the East Sea and in Asia is posing many challenges to the issue of protecting our country's sovereignty. Therefore, defending the Socialist Fatherland is both a strategic task and an urgent "regular" task of the Party, State and people in the current period. Our Party has determined that the strength to firmly defend the homeland is the combined strength from many factors: Politics, military, economy, culture, science and technology, national strength combined with strength. era, is the combination of the human factor with the weapon equipment ... in which the human factor and the endogenous factors of the nation always play a decisive role. Students are the future owners of the home country, representing the youthful and intellectual future of the country. Therefore, the success or failure of the cause of defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the new era requires a high sense of civic responsibility of the student force. The sense of defending the Socialist Fatherland not only directly raises the spirit of revolutionary vigilance, the will to defend the Fatherland, but also directs and adjusts human behavior in performing defense tasks, security and protection of the Fatherland.
Key words: National protection, sense of national defense, students, Vinh University