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Integrating Multi-threading into Query-Subquery Nets
Tác giả: Cao Thanh Sơn, Phan Anh Phong, Lê Quốc Anh
386    0
Intelligent Systems and Networks (Selected Articles from ICISN 2021, Vietnam)
Quyển:     Trang: 189
Năm xuất bản: 3/2021
Tóm tắt
In this paper, we propose a new method, named QSQN-MT, for the evaluation of queries to Horn knowledge bases. Particularly, we integrate multi-threading into query-subquery nets to reduce the execution time for evaluating a query over a logic program regardless of the order of clauses. The usefulness of the proposed method is indicated by the experimental results.
Từ khóa
Horn knowledge bases · Query processing · Deductive databases · QSQN · QSQN-MT · Multi-threading