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Finding Maximum Stable Matchings for the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences Over Projects
Authors: Hoang Huu Viet, Le Van Tan, and Son Thanh Cao
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Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
: FDSE 2020, CCIS 1306     : 411–422
Publishing year: 11/2020
This paper proposes an efficient algorithm to find a maximum weakly stable matching for the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects. We consider the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem and solve it using a local search approach based on the min-conflicts algorithm. By choosing a student generated by a fixedincrement rule and removing the undominated blocking pair formed by the student, we aim to remove all the blocking pairs formed by the student at each iteration of our algorithm. This allows our algorithm to obtain a solution of the problem as quickly as possible. Experimental results show that our algorithm is efficient in terms of both performance and solution quality for solving the problem.
Student-Project Allocation Problem · Matching problem · Stable matching · Blocking pair · Local search