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Mở rộng U(1)B−L dựa trên đối xứng Δ(27) cho khối lượng và trộn lẫn lepton
Tác giả: Đinh Phan Khôi, Võ Văn Viên
354    0
Modern Physics Letters A
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Năm xuất bản: 2020
Tóm tắt
We propose a B−L Standard Model (SM) extension based on Δ(27) symmetry in which neutrino mass orderings and the tiny neutrino masses are produced by the type-I seesaw mechanism. The obtained physical parameters are well consistent with the global fit of neutrino oscillation.The model is predictive in the sense that it reproduces the experimental values of neutrino parameters. Two of the predicted parameters have little deviations from the best-fit values given in Ref. 1, however they are consistent with the other experimental results.