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Influence of Doppler broadening on cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level inverted-Y system: An analytical approach
Tác giả: Nguyen Huy Bang, Dinh Xuan Khoa, Nguyen Le Thuy An, Vu Ngoc Sau, Doan Hoai Son and Le Van Doai
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Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials
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Năm xuất bản: 2019
Cùng tác giả
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a five-level cascade system under Doppler broadening: an analytical approachPropagation of a laser pulse in a three-level cascade atomic medium under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparencySỰ TƯƠNG TỰ GIƯA DAO ĐỘNG CƠ VÀ HIỆU ỨNG EIT TRONG CÂU HÌNH BỐN MỨC CHƯ YOptical bistability in a five-level cascade EIT medium: an analytical approachCONTROLLING OPTICAL BISTABILITY IN A FIVE-LEVEL CASCADE EIT MEDIUMĐIỀU KHIỂN PHI TUYẾN KERR CỦA MÔI TRƯỜNG KHÍ NGUYÊN TỬ DỰA TRÊN HIỆU ỨNG TRONG SUỐT CẢM ỨNG ĐIỆN TỪMeasurement of dispersive profile of a multiwindow electromagnetically induced transparency spectrum in a Doppler-broadened atomic mediumPropagation of laser pulse in a three-level cascade inhomogeneously broadened medium under electromagnetically induced transparency conditionsLàm lạnh các nguyên tử bằng laserOptical Bistability in a Controllable Giant Self-Kerr Nonlinear Gaseous Medium under Electromagnetically Induced 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FieldsẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA SỰ PHÂN CỰC VÀ PHA TƯƠNG ĐỐI CỦA CÁC TRƯỜNG LASER LÊN TÍNH CHẤT QUANG CỦA MÔI TRƯỜNG NGUYÊN TỬ BA MỨC BẬC THANGPROPAGATION OF A LASER PULSE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETICALLY INDUCED TRANSPARENCY CONDITIONSManipulating giant cross-Kerr nonlinearity at multiple frequencies in an atomic gaseous mediumNGHIÊN CỨU ĐIỀU KHIỂN LƯỠNG ỔN ĐỊNH QUANG CỦA HỆ NGUYÊN TỬ BA MỨC NĂNG LƯỢNG CẤU HÌNH LAMBDAGiant cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a six-level inhomogeneously broadened atomic mediumEffect of Doppler broadening on giant self-Kerr nonlinearity in a five-level ladder-type systemThe influence of spontaneously generated coherence and phase of laser fields on optical bistability in a three-level atomic medium: an analytical approachControlling self-Kerr nonlinearity with an external magnetic field in a degenerate two-level inhomogeneously broadened mediumModifying optical properties of three-level V-type atomic medium by varying external magnetic fieldRole of incoherent pumping field on control of optical bistability in a closed three-level ladder atomic systemThe effect of giant Kerr nonlinearity on group velocity in a six-level inverted-Y atomic systemSỰ KHUẾCH ĐẠI ÁNH SÁNG DỰA VÀO HIỆU ỨNG TRONG SUỐT CẢM ỨNG ĐIỆN TỪ TRONG MÔI TRƯỜNG NGUYÊN TỬ BA MỨC CẤU HÌNH CHỮ VANALYZING ENHANCEMENT AND CONTROL OF KERRNONLINEAR COEFFICIENT IN A THREE-LEVEL V-TYPE INHOMOGENEOUSLY BROADENED ATOMIC MEDIUMGiant cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level Y-type atomic systemControlling group velocity via an external magnetic field in a degenerated three-level lambda-type atomic systemNegative Refractive Index in an Inhomogeneously Broadened Four-Level Inverted-Y Atomic MediumControlling negative refractive index of degenerated three-level Λ-type system by external light and magnetic fieldsTẠO CHIẾT SUẤT ÂM TRONG MÔI TRƯỜNG NGUYÊN TỬ BỐN MỨC CHỮ Y NGƯỢC DỰA VÀO HIỆU ỨNG TRONG SUỐT CẢM ỨNG ĐIỆN TỪẢnh hưởng của mở rộng Doppler lên sự lan truyền xung laser trong môi trường nguyên tử ba mức cấu hình lambdaAll-optical switching via spontaneously generated coherence, relative phase and incoherent pumping in a V-type three-level systemAll‑optical switching in a medium of a four‑level vee‑ cascade atomic mediumNegative refractive index in a Doppler broadened three-level -type atomic mediumAn analytical model for cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level N-type system with Doppler broadeningPhase control of all-optical switching based on spontaneously generated coherence in a three-level Λ-type atomic systemSTUDY OF NEGATIVE REFRACTIVE INDEX IN Rb FOURLEVEL N-TYPE ATOMIC GAS MEDIUMColossal Kerr nonlinearity without absorption in a five‑level atomic mediumDynamics of twin pulse propagation and dual-optical switching in a Λ + Ξ atomic mediumAll optical switching in a three‑level V‑type atomic medium based on electromagnetically induced transparencyInfluence of spontaneously generated coherence on absorption, dispersion, and group index in a five-level cascade atomic systemSlow light amplification in a three‑level cascade‑type system via spontaneously generated coherence and incoherent pumping