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The role of corporate social responsibilities in tourism and hospitality : The case of Vietnam
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Management Science Letters
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Publishing year: 2020
More of tax reform to facilitate businessRestructuring of State Enterprises : Seen from the success of the Ministry of TransportAdvantages and disadvantages of working up the consolidated financial statements at the State Corporation construction traffic works in VietnamVietnam's tax systemNew tax preferential policies for environmental protection activitiesAccounting Standard No. 25: Inadequacies in the Regulations on Consolidated Financial StatementsPractical application of IFRS in some countries - Lessons learned from integrated financial reporting system for VietnamJoin TPP and AEC: Current status and solutions to enhance the role of management accounting in enterprisesNhững đổi mới trong quản lý hoàn thuế giá trị gia tăngInadequacies exist to teach accounting training in the current periodMobilizing investment capital for transport infrastructure development in Vietnam and issuesProactively implementing, the integration commitments in financial sectorTo improve the quality of human resources for private enterprises in Nghe AnImplement electronic invoices and business issues to be aware Virtual Money management solutions, virtual assetsDeterminants Influencing the Conversion of Financial Statements: The Case of Multinational Firms in Vietnam Impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment through organizational trust and organizational identification International cooperation in vocational education development in VietnamImpact of corporate governance on financial performance: The case of listed warehouse transportation firms in VietnamInternational experience in managing and using public assets 15 NEU-KKU INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN DEVELOPMENTManagement accounting