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Adminnistrative refrom to accelerate power decentralization anh municipalyti in Japan a lesson for Vietnam
Authors: Nguyen van Dai
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Social Science Manpower
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Publishing year: 2016
Promote transparency, good governance and anti-corruption in the organization and operation of the administration while Vietnam is a member of the TPP agreement.The primary distribution of primary primary administration of primary primary policy in Việt Nam does not exist.Decentralize state management of public servants in Vietnam today.Argumentative Theory of State and lawA number of models for decentralized management of the world economy and suggestion for VietnamEffectiveness of the policy to attract and create commune-level cadres and civil servants in Nghe An provinceIt is necessary to improve the law on credit granting for undergraduates and disadvantaged studentsSome comments on controlling the decentralization of state administrative management by judicial power in VietnamTheories of state and lawApplication of case law in adjudicating civil cases, from the practice of the People's Court of Dong Nai ProvinceBook: Guaranteed human rights in legal proceedingsState management decentralization between the central government and local government in VietnamSome movements and changes of state and contemporary lawLaw bachelor training thinking: Situation and continue to innovateImproving the performance of local authorities at commune level in Vietnam todayLaw and sustainable developmentImprove operational efficiency of local government at commune levelEnsuring children's rights in family cultural institutions in VietnamEnsuring children's rights in the investigation of sexual abuse cases. from practice in Thanh Hoa provinceLaw on environmental protection popularized, educated and recommended for improvementApplying Ho Chi Minh Thought in legal education on human rights in Vietnam todayIdentify and fight against false and hostile allegations about the implementation of ethnic policies in Nghe An provinceAPPLYING HO CHI MINH’S THOUGHT IN LEGAL EDUCATION ON ENSURING HUMAN RIGHTS IN VIETNAM TODAY