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"What do we do with AI?: Perspective of pre-service teachers."
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English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
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Năm xuất bản: 6/2024
Tóm tắt
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been widely utilized these days by not only students but also teachers. For pre-service teachers, they are playing the role of student and a future teacher, so the question is that what they are doing with AI as a student and what they are preparing for their own career with the help of AI. The study aims to answer those two research questions. a survey questionnaire, followed by interviews have been used to collect the data. 176 pre-service students have already taken part in the study. The results show that pre-service teachers have frequently used AI for their own learning and future teaching with some common functions such as getting the suggestions for teachers' questions, paraphrasing, getting teaching ideas or prompts, creating images, checking writing, designing test, etc. In light of the findings, some pedagogical implications have been suggested about using AI to promote pre-service teachers' learning and future teaching, contributing to enhance the quality of English teaching and learning.
Từ khóa
Key words: pre-service teacher, AI, functions, English teaching and learning
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