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Journal of Science Vinh University
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Publishing year: 2019
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a five-level cascade system under Doppler broadening: an analytical approachPropagation of a laser pulse in a three-level cascade atomic medium under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparencyMECHANICAL OSCILLATORS ANALOGS AND ELECTROMAGNETICALLY- INDUCED-TRANSPARENCY (EIT) PHENOMENA IN A FOUR-LEVEL INVERTED -Y ATOMIC SYSTEMOptical bistability in a five-level cascade EIT medium: an analytical approachCONTROLLING OPTICAL BISTABILITY IN A FIVE-LEVEL CASCADE EIT MEDIUMControlling Kerr nonlinearity of an atomic gas based on electromagnetically induced transparencyMeasurement of dispersive profile of a multiwindow electromagnetically induced transparency spectrum in a Doppler-broadened atomic mediumPropagation of laser pulse in a three-level cascade inhomogeneously broadened medium under electromagnetically induced transparency conditionsCooling atoms by laserOptical Bistability in a Controllable Giant Self-Kerr Nonlinear Gaseous Medium under Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Doppler BroadeningManipulating multi-frequency light in a five-level cascade-type atomic medium associated with giant self-Kerr nonlinearityControlling group velocity in 87Rb three-level atomic medium based on electromagnetically induced transparency effectPulse propagation in an atomic medium under spontaneously generated coherence, incoherent pumping, and relative laser phaseManipulating multi-frequency light in a five-level cascade EIT T medium under Doppler broadeningA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF OPTICAL BISTABILITY IN THREE-LEVEL EIT CONFIGURATIONSINFLUENCES OF SPONTANEOUSLY GENERATED COHERENCE AND RELATIVE PHASE ON GROUP VELOCITY IN A THREE-LEVEL ATOMIC MEDIUM: ANALYTICAL APPROACHCONTROLLABLE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MULTIPLE ELECTROMAGNETICALLY INDUCED TRANSPARENCY IN GASEOUS ATOMIC MEDIAComparative Study of Light Manipulation in Three-Level Systems Via Spontaneously Generated Coherence and Relative Phase of Laser FieldsGiant cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a six-level inhomogeneously broadened atomic mediumEffect of Doppler broadening on giant self-Kerr nonlinearity in a five-level ladder-type systemInfluence of Doppler broadening on cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level inverted-Y system: An analytical approachThe influence of spontaneously generated coherence and phase of laser fields on optical bistability in a three-level atomic medium: an analytical approachAll-optical switching via spontaneously generated coherence, relative phase and incoherent pumping in a V-type three-level systemAll‑optical switching in a medium of a four‑level vee‑ cascade atomic mediumNegative refractive index in a Doppler broadened three-level -type atomic mediumAn analytical model for cross-Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level N-type system with Doppler broadeningPhase control of all-optical switching based on spontaneously generated coherence in a three-level Λ-type atomic systemSTUDY OF NEGATIVE REFRACTIVE INDEX IN Rb FOURLEVEL N-TYPE ATOMIC GAS MEDIUMColossal Kerr nonlinearity without absorption in a five‑level atomic mediumDynamics of twin pulse propagation and dual-optical switching in a Λ + Ξ atomic mediumAll optical switching in a three‑level V‑type atomic medium based on electromagnetically induced transparencyInfluence of spontaneously generated coherence on absorption, dispersion, and group index in a five-level cascade atomic systemSlow light amplification in a three‑level cascade‑type system via spontaneously generated coherence and incoherent pumping